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IamBatman's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of IamBatman's arguments, looking across every debate.
4 points

The Capitalist system is the most advantageous system discovered so far in the world. The System has been criticized for “enslaving” the poor to the rich. Which is completely wrong . Though people are free to produce any goods and services, but they will only produce those goods, which other people will demand or need. Thus it is more about serving fellow being by fulfilling their needs and not about enslaving.

Since, every person can retain the profits or income generated by him or her, they are motivated to work hard. It encourages people to develop new goods and new types of services. Each person is free to pursue his or her own goals. Each person tries to get maximum income and profit. This creates competition. Competition brings efficiency and new sides in the society.

Even employees who are working for others, improves their standard of living instead of getting poor. The profit retained by people are invested back in business to get more profit. The new business needs more people. This cycle creates more employment. People get more opportunities in market. Thus employers have to pay more to hire people or retain them.

Most important part of capitalism is that people need to have freedom for this system to succeed. As opposed to this, in communism, the government has to forced people to accept, their plan. People who work on their own will be more happy than who are forced to work.

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