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SunYatsen23's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

The advantages of Capitalism are that the government has limited control over business, which lets business compete. Capitalism lets people choose what kind of work they want to do and where they want to work. Capitalism lets people decide what they want to do and where they want to work. Capitalism lets people decide what they want to do with their money, if they want to put it into a retirement account or in the stock market.

In a capatalist country, the country is driven by free enterprise. free enterprise is the freedom for private businesses to operate for a profit without interference from the government. Therfore unlike a totalitarian government, the people have the satisfaction of having the government to not interfere.

In a capitalist state, all property is privately owned, and adduced that capitalism is the mutually beneficial trade where it is held that both sides tend to benefit by an exchange.

Capitalism is an economic system and not a political system. Countries thus do not (typically) enshrine capitalism as a part of their constitutional framework, nor do they typically limit policy choices to capitalism. However, the vast majority of countries (almost all liberal democracies and most authoritarian systems) in the world use capitalism as their dominant economic system, including the United States, Canada and Mexico, all of the 27 countries of the European Union (Ireland, UK, France, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, The Netherlands, Louxembourg, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Malta, Cyprus, Austria, The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Greece), as well as many, many other countries (such as Australia, Japan, India, Egypt, Tunisia, Indonesia, New Zealand, South Africa, Switzerland, Botswana, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Russia, Turkey etc. etc.). Even some countries which in-name follow different economic systems (such as China, claiming to have a "communist economy with Chinese characteristics") are capitalist (i.e. have most of the output coming from industries in private property trading and setting prices on a free market by the laws of supply and demand, and have a legal framework geared to protecting and encouraging such a system of production). It is actually easier to count countries that are not capitalist (such as North Korea, Cuba or most of Vietnam), or still have some way to go until ancient economic structures make way for capitalism (such as in Bhutan or in significant parts of Sub-Saharan Africa).

Most of these countries embrace the fundamentals of capitalism.

Freedom of expression is the concept of being able to transfer ideas or thoughts verbally or otherwise freely without censorship. It was awarded global recognition as a universal human right and ingrained in the Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In spite of its status, it is never absolute in any country. The international law posits that, restrictions on free speech must comport with a strict three part test viz: operate under provision of the law, express legitimacy in pursuing aim, and display the relevance to the accomplishment of the said aim.

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